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Our Story

Sundarii Handmade, more than an ethical and sustainable apparel brand is a movement to support and promote sustainable fashion. It is a result of what  started as a good hearted initiative, 3 years back in December 2017, to revive the slowly fading away age old Indian Handicrafts and thus support the artisans and weavers behind them.

A movement that is proud to have an army of strong headed individuals who are committed to support sustainable fashion and are doing their bit to help in bringing back these age old crafts, which are the symbols of our rich heritage and culture and were left to dye a slow death while we were lost in the bling of fast fashion.

Since the beginning of this brand  our driving force has been to empower the artisans, to uplift their deteriorating lifestyle and give them a ray of hope that their skills still matter and it’s economically sound too.

At Sundarii Handmade we not only give you a product that’s value for your  money, but also we give you a feeling of real joy and fulfillment that one gets only by investing their hard earned money in something that’s not only good for them, but also beneficial for the eco system at large.

Every time you purchase a Handmade product you are not only lessening the burden of the increasing carbon footprint, but also you get to help the families of artisans who even with unmatched skills and crafts struggle daily to make ends meet.

With Sundarii Handmade as a medium and a voice to spread awareness about sustainable fashion and handicrafts, we have been able to make Ajrakh, an immensely demanding and rare handicraft ,known to many. It gives us a lot of joy to see people talking about and liking Ajrakh for its uniqueness, as not many knew about this craft when we started out..

We also passionately promote other Indian handicrafts  like Dabu, Ikat. Bagru, Bandhani etc. by bringing to our customers only top notch and different from the clutter products,. Thanks to our ever so supportive clientele base that is widespread not only in India but across continents, this journey has been nothing but fulfilling.

We strictly adhere to a no waste policy at Sundarii Handmade, where we use the scrap fabric to make wallets and scarves out of them, or we use it for a patchwork which serves two purposes at once, reducing the landfill contributions and helping to make the product attractive and trendy.

Sustainable Fashion is practiced by us not because it’s a buzz word or the latest trend gaining popularity. It’s a way of life for us which we also want others to adopt.

We can never describe in words the amount of satisfaction we get when we think about the smiling faces of our artisans, the way their face lights up to receive a new order, the way they start brimming with enthusiasm to work on a new pattern and the way they just never loose hope.

And it’s because of all our valued customers who keep on investing in us and keep coming back to support us.

If at all we paused to listen to the silent cries

If at all we paused to reflect on the impact of our actions

If at all we paused to witness the wrath we are proceeding to

If at all we just cared for our planet more than we did for our own petty cravings and whims

The earth would have been a better place.

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